Stuff Happens

Happy Saturday! If you’re new to THE CRAZY QUEST, you may wish to read about it here. Basically, I’m tracing my journey as I attempt to answer the question:

What would you do if you didn’t know you couldn’t do it?

This week of training: 18 miles


Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.

IMG_0231Sometimes stuff happens. This was one of those times in the journey toward The Crazy Quest, and the picture says it all.

Last weekend I was cranking along on crisp Fall days. They said some snow was coming, but this was a lot more than “some.” No time to have my buddy get the bike on the indoor trainer, so — let it snow!

It’s a long journey, and this is a small bump in the road. We’ll get the indoor setup going and shift into winter mode. Meantime, we’ll enjoy watching Monte climb snowdrifts.

Don’t let the little stuff get you off track. It’s all part of the bigger picture — stuff happens.


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