Why doesn’t God heal me? Why doesn’t He fix this relationship? Why doesn’t He stop the pain, the struggle, or the grief?
At the risk of sounding trite, I think He does. I’m absolutely convinced that God does heal and fix and comfort. But it’s frequently not the sort of healing we expect or the comfort for which we yearn.
SetFreeToday rests on the premise that God offers freedom, healing, and a new beginning. We can discover a very real transformation in a relationship with Christ.
The common response is: So if I love Jesus and try to follow Him, why am I in such pain? Why did this horrible accident occur? Why doesn’t He just make it all stop?
When we’re tired and worn down by the struggle, it’s tempting to wonder where God went. What’s the point of a faith that seems to involve so many obstacles and so little relief?
To discover an answer that makes sense, we need to consider the nature of God’s purposes. If we expect Him to see events and circumstances through human priorities, we will continually be disappointed. God’s perspective is much broader than we can imagine.
As I learn about Jesus’ life, one simple fact seems to emerge: He was much more focused on spiritual issues than the concerns of this world.
Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.'” (Matthew 4:4)
Jesus’ familiar response to temptation referred His listeners back to an ancient scripture. He reminded them that God led the Israelites through the desert for forty years, and provided them with manna as a sign. The true source of their security wasn’t found in worldly things, but in God and His word.
Jesus didn’t ignore worldly concerns. He emphasized care for the poor and sick. He taught His followers to submit to Earthly rulers. He encouraged and modeled authentic relationships and humble service. Jesus clearly believed that behavior mattered, and He understood and struggled with human pain and grief.
But…He placed the most desperate worldly issues in proper perspective. He understood that God’s plan is spiritual and eternal, and those were His primary concerns. He didn’t die to save our physical lives. Jesus went to the cross to assure eternal relationship with God.
He knows and understands the horrible pain in the valley of the shadow. And He knows the indescribable joy of eternity in God’s presence. He doesn’t discount the valley; He walked it, and still walks with us, because He wants us to receive the reward.
How do you experience God’s healing in spiritual, rather than physical, terms?
Please leave a comment, visit my website, and/or send me an email at rich@richdixon.net.