Hope In Hopeless Places

I love Alycia’s story of finding hope.

Grew up in a somewhat unconventional family, not much support or stability, found her own way to Jesus as a teenager, left home after graduation. As she tells it, almost as an afterthought, she did her first mission trip at age 21. Again, without much support, simply because she knew it was the right thing to do. And she went back, sometimes without enough funds to get home. Trusting God.

And among starving children longing for education, in this most hopeless of situations, Alycia found what she’d never had at home.

Alycia found hope in hopeless places.

She continues her work with South Sudan refugees and Greater Hope Projectand blogs at Life Written.

Alycia didn’t wait to figure it all out. She wasn’t interested in being right, in knowing the right answers or how it would turn out. Instead, she saw what was right and did it. She moved forward, followed Jesus, and trusted God for the outcome.

That’s hope – moving confidently into the future based on faith that God keeps His promises.

When I demand answers before moving, when I insist on WHY and HOW before I’ll commit, when I need a guaranteed result before I make the leap – I put my desire to be right ahead of Jesus’ invitation to do right. I expect God to keep promises He never made.

When I do that, I sit on the sidelines with my right answers while Jesus says, “Follow me.”

And what does the Lord require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy
    and to walk humbly with your God. (Micah 6:8)

I’m absolutely certain I know what’s best for the FREEDOM TOUR. I’m so sure that I’m more-than-a little disappointed when it doesn’t fit my framework. I’m sure God’s letting us down. I expect Him to meet my expectations.

How crazy is that?

Hope isn’t about knowing the outcome, it’s about trusting the one who holds the outcome in His hands.

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We’re ordering jerseys this week. Time to jump in and join us on this amazing adventure.


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