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I’m rarely “absolutely” certain. It’s one of the things I admire about neurosurgeons. I’ve encountered a few of them over the years, and they don’t often say “maybe.” Neurosurgeons tend to be sure about the situation and what to do about it. When you talk to them you don’t hear “probably” or “likely.” It’s exactly […]

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Happy Or Sad?

I’ve been thinking this week about connection. How to we bridge the gap between one another, between ourselves and the kids at the Home of Hope, between ourselves and Jesus? + + + One of my most profound childhood memories happened the night before Grandpa’s funeral. I was twelve years old. A large collection of […]

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She Has A Face

Ever hear about “speaking up for the voiceless”? It’s sort of odd, because those “voiceless” people really have the same voices as you and me. Their voices are beautiful. And capable. And worth hearing. Except, of course, those voices are often intentionally, systematically silenced and repressed. Or they’re simply ignored out of convenience and privilege, […]

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