Why We Don’t Dream Alone

If you can accomplish your vision by yourself, your vision is too small. ~ T. D. Jakes

At Global Leadership Summit (GLS) I heard some themes woven into many of the messages. Last time I said Keeping stuff safe isn’t God’s plan. 

The second theme dovetails with the first.

Enlarge Your Vision

Over and over, in different contexts and different words, these influential leaders implored us to dream bigger, think bigger, imagine bigger.

If you’ve followed along here for a while you know this is right up our alley. Big, God-sized dreams are what got this whole thing started. But while I was riding my bike yesterday I realized just how difficult it is to step out of one’s comfort zone and follow a dream. It’s easy to get inspired when someone else pursues a crazy vision; it’s a whole lot harder to actually do it yourself.


I know it’s not supposed to be easy. It would be great if everyone could latch on to that sense of inspiration and run with it, follow their own Good-sized dream wherever it leads them. But observation tells me that, as a practical matter, many people have a really tough time making that sort of commitment on their own.

We follow big dreams in community.

As I cranked along on my solo training ride I realized that’s the purpose of the FREEDOM TOUR. We’re a community that offers folks the opportunity to experience the joy of following a big dream. People can bring their own gifts and passions to the circle, and together we’re able to do more, go farther, and dream bigger than any of us could as individuals.

Partnerships, marriages, companies, churches…God gives us communities in which we can dream big, pool our gifts, encourage each other, and share the sacrifice and the celebration of following our dreams. “On your own” is a myth; every worthwhile endeavor eventually involves a community.

I still believe each of us ought to dream big dreams. But let’s release the silly notion of the lone-ranger dream follower. That’s not what God intended.

We were created by a community for community.

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